Category Archives: Feral Cats

Anything to do with feral cats

Feral Cat Removal

feral cat removal

I am a self-proclaimed cat lover, even though some people really don’t understand my efforts at feral cat removal.  I don’t actually have any pets of my own since my last cat passed away a year ago, but I love animals of all kinds, especially cats.  It’s why I have undertaken feral cat removal.

Let’s be clear, feral cats are not strays.  They are not sweet domestic cats that have lost their way.  They are wild animals, wild cats, that have learned to take advantage of living near humans.  But, they need to be taken care of just like any other wild animal.

So, I set up a feeding station on my large property.  I live in a normal rural neighborhood, in the outskirts of a large city, and we have a lot of feral cats in the area.  I just flip a big plastic bin over on its side and set some water and cat food dishes inside.  Then, I set up a small camera to record the cats that come for shelter and food.  I keep track of the cats and which times they come to feed.  That’s when we set up feral cat traps.

The feral cats are removed from off of my property and taken to the local shelter, where they receive medical treatment and are spayed or neutered.  The people at the shelter know me and help me in my feral cat removal efforts.  After they determine the cats are indeed wild, and do not belong to anyone, they get fixed.  The shelter in my area allows them to be released afterwards, which means I get to enjoy watching them.  But, I know they won’t be breeding and creating an even bigger feral cat problem in my neighborhood.

I keep the camera out by the feeding station, and keep track of the animals that come to feed.  I’ve named all of the feral cats I’ve had removed and fixed, and they often bring other cats to the feeding station.  Those feral cats get removed, receive medical treatment, and are also fixed.

It’s to be expected that other wild animals are also attracted to the feeding station.  With my camera, I’ve caught skunks, raccoons and opossums who took advantage of my hospitality.  I have traps set for those wild animals, too.

My goal is not to attract more wildlife to my neighborhood, but to remove the feral cats long enough to be treated correctly.  Not all of my neighbors are happy with my efforts, but I’m hoping they’ll all notice a serious decline in the feral cat population around here.  Then, maybe they’ll understand that feral cat removal can be handled in a humane and successful way.

Wild Cats In Neighborhood

get rid of feral cats

I’m at my wit’s end with the wild cats in the neighborhood.  These wild cats, or feral cats, are becoming a danger to my children and my pets, and they have got to be stopped.

Look, I’m a cat owner, and I love cats.  I have two sweet felines.  My older cat prefers to stay inside all the time, sleeping, purring and playing.  My younger cat comes in and out as she pleases through her little cat door.  They’ve both received their shots and boosters and are fixed, because I believe in being a responsible pet owner.  I guess that’s why I don’t understand people who dump litters of kittens in the empty fields behind our neighborhoods.  They don’t spay or neuter their cats, and when they end up with a litter of kittens that they can’t give away, they just let them go in the fields, figuring they’ll fend for themselves or nature will take its course.  After a generation or two of felines, our neighborhood has a real problem with wild cats, or feral cats, as some people prefer to call them.

I took my two toddlers out for a walk today, and we saw several wild cats in the neighborhood.  My daughter, who adores animals of every kind, immediately ran after them, trying to pet them.  Fortunately, I was able to catch her in time before a feral cat scratched her.  Wild cats don’t like to be chased by two year-olds.  Instead of enjoying a sweet, leisurely walk through our quiet streets, I had to educate my children on the dangers of wild cats in the neighborhood.  Yes, they can pet our cats, because our cats are safe and clean, but wild cats can carry diseases.  They’re dirty, they can bite, they can scratch, and they can really hurt them.  My son, who’s a little more sensitive, had a nightmare about cats at naptime.  I guess I don’t need to worry about him running after the wild cats in our neighborhood, but I really need to watch my daughter.  She’s likely to have to learn that lesson the hard way.

Feral cats use certain areas in our backyard as their litter box, so before I can let the kids go out and play in their own playground, I have to go out first and inspect the ground.  They can go outside and play only after I’ve had a chance to pick up all the cat poop.  As a cat owner, I know diseases can be spread through cat feces, so I’m very careful to make sure my children aren’t exposed.  It’s frustrating, because I’d love to be able to let the kids run out in their own backyard when the weather’s nice, without making them wait until I have the time (and, frankly, the energy) to go out and sanitize the area first.

And, then my little cat came home once with scratches on her face and ear.  I’ve had it with the wild cats in the neighborhood.  It’s time to do something about it.  I’m calling in a professional service to get rid of the feral cats.  Maybe I can convince the city to do something to stop people from dumping their cats in the empty fields.  In the meantime, though, let’s get rid of the wild cats in the neighborhood and have a fresh start.

How To Get Rid Of Feral Cats

“John, we’ve got to get someone who knows how to get rid of feral cats out here as soon as possible if we’re going to have any chance of selling the house.”

“I just wish your Dad never fed them.  They just keep coming back and breeding right there on the property.”

“I know, I know.  I keep telling him, but he swears they’re all his pets.”

“His pets?  But there’s got to be at least twenty of them.  The neighbors say they’re out there yowling day and night and one of them clawed its way into their crawlspace the other night.  They kind of hinted that we pay for the damage.”

“I don’t know what to tell you, John.  It was hard enough to get him to agree to move out of the house and into the condo we got him in the senior community close by.  It’s just killing me to see him going through this, especially so soon after Mom passed away.”

“But, he seems like he’s enjoying himself there.  There’s so much less for him to have to take care of.  He can just be himself, work on his birdhouses, and not have to worry about mowing or weeding or anything else.  But, hon, I know this is hard on you, too.  You’ve been a champion handling everything.”

“And you’ve been wonderful and so supportive.  It’s just so hard to be packing up his house, all the memories, all the stuff.  And, then to have to deal with this, these feral cats.  I keep going out there and trying to scare them off myself.  I’d hoped that they’d just go away since I convinced Dad to stop feeding them.  It’s just no good.  Lisa suggested we try playing really loud music to try to get them to leave, but you know how my sister is.  Can you imagine what Dad’s neighbors would say then?”

“Yes, well, Lisa’s not here, is she?  Probably a good thing.”

“Ha!  I’ll say!  Well, I think we can probably have the house packed up in another few days, and then I’ll clean it.  I’ll feel better showing the house when it’s cleaned and . . . “

“And if we just got rid of those feral cats?”

“Exactly.  I haven’t been out to the shed yet, but I’m afraid they may have really done some damage in there, or to the shed itself.  There’s an awful smell coming from there.”

“Tell you what, hon.  You’ve got enough on your mind.  Let me worry about the shed.  In fact, let me make the phone call and get a professional out here who knows how to get rid of feral cats.”

“That would be such a help!  Then, I can call the realtor and we can put the house on the  market.  It’s hard enough, I can’t wait for this all to be over.”

“I know, but you’ve been handling it great.  We’ll do it together.  And, it helps to know you’re doing the best for your Dad, right?”

“Thanks for that.  Yes, he even said he’s got a date tonight.  Can you believe that?  Already!”

“Really?  Does she like cats?”

Feral Cat Problems

Nah, we don’t have a feral cat problem, do we?  I mean, sure, I’ve noticed a lot of feral cats wandering the neighborhood and the farms around here, but that’s just nature, right?  They stick to the farm and get rid of the rodents in the area, and we’re all good.

Okay, sure, sometimes there’s the nighttime activities, the yowling, the fighting, the hissing.  But, what am I supposed to do about it?  They’re just cats, and harmless enough.  My neighbor even puts food out every night to feed them, and they sometimes let her pet them.  So, they can’t be all that bad.

Or so I thought.  I didn’t realize just how bad a feral cat problem could be, and then I got a first-hand lesson.

I was startled out of my sleep one night by a terrific crash and banging coming from my garage.  I had no idea what was going on, but, my heart pounding, I ran down there to see what on earth was happening.  A feral cat had somehow gotten in there, attracted by the warmth, I think, and made an unholy mess.  My work bench looked like someone had just given it a really good shake.  The box with my holiday decorations was overturned.  The window screen was torn and the shade covering the window was shredded and lying on the floor.  The place smelled like cat urine.  My dog was howling and barking and waking up the rest of the neighborhood, I was sure.  At least he was in the house, still.

I had to look around to locate the cat, but I guess it felt cornered, because it hissed mightily and came right at me, streaking by my leg.  I finally came to my senses long enough to open the garage door a little so it could get out.

What if it had gotten inside the house?  It could have really done some damage in my kitchen or laundry room.  Would it have attacked my dog?  Who knows what parasites are on it.  Fleas, ticks, mites.  Yuck!  I don’t want those in my house.  No, if my neighbor wants to feed them, that’s her business.  But, I’m not going to stand for wild animals destroying my things and infesting my home.

Okay, I feel bad for the lady next door, because I know she loves these little wild animals.  Granted, from a distance, they’re sweet-looking, all fuzzy and cute.  But, I got to deal with one up close and it’s not so cute anymore.  The only thing I know to do is to call a professional wild animal removal service to take care of my feral cat problem.  If they’ll handle it discreetly, maybe we can make sure I don’t have to spend late nights cleaning up their mess in my garage anymore.

Shooting Feral Cats

The recent controversy over shooting feral cats in Utah has recently attracted national attention.  Rep. Curtis Oda, R-Clearfield sponsored a bill which has now been dubbed the “feral cat bill”.  Rep. Oda has said the bill is intended to allow farmers and ranchers to protect their crops or livestock by controlling feral animal populations, without fear of being charged with animal cruelty.  The controversy reached a boiling point when Oda received several death threats, which are now being investigated by federal authorities.

Utah is just the latest of states to face controversy surrounding the control of feral cat populations.  Wisconsin firefighter Mark Smith also received death threats in 2005 over a plan he proposed to legalize wild cat hunting in his state.  Several states already allow wild cats to be shot.

Opponents of plans and bills such as these cite many reasons they should be defeated.  Some fear it will result in domestic animals being shot, such as owned-cats that are allowed to roam free, or lost animals.  Some think it provides perverse people a loophole – they can shoot a neighbor’s cat or dog and just say “I thought it was feral.”  Still others feel there are many alternatives to reducing the feral cat population, such as TNR, or trap-neuter-release, which other states have put into place.

The controversy over feral cats hits close to home for many people.  One person will actively feed the wild cats in the area and even provide shelter for them, while their neighbor will do anything to get rid of feral cats.  One farmer will encourage feral cats on his property to keep the rodent population down, while the farmer down the road wants to shoot feral cats on his property.

Whether you support or oppose laws or plans like these, no one can dispute there is a serious feral cat problem.  It is estimated there are tens of millions of feral cats in the United States.  They are one of the common carriers of the rabies virus and they are susceptible to parasites such as ticks, fleas, mites and worms.  They can infest your home or business with their parasites, attack pets and livestock, defecate into children’s play areas, and cause property damage.  Feral cats can decimate local populations of native species of birds or other wild life, and compete with other native predators for food.

If you have problems with feral cats in and around your property, the best course of action is to hire a professional nuisance wildlife removal company.  The wildlife control technician knows the local laws governing removal of feral cats, is trained at handling them safely, and can advise you on ways to discourage feral cats from returning to your property.

Feral Cats on Farms

Ah, you humans think you have to go about removing feral cats or saving feral cats.  You assume that we’re miserable, rooting through the garbage behind a hotel, fighting in your backyard, living our life in the great outdoors.  You assume we want to be like you, or worse, your domestic cat.  You think we’d be better off in a warm bed, being hand-fed kitchen scraps or cat food, living a long and boring life.

You have got it all wrong!  We feral cats are wild animals!  We enjoy the hunt, the chase, the free lifestyle.  Sure, if you want to feed us or put a warm bed outside, we’ll take it, but you’re gravely mistaken if you think that means we’re just going to cuddle up to you, purring and grateful you’re “rescuing a feral cat.”  You’re nice and all, but most of us just want to be left alone, free to fend for ourselves and life our life, even if it is a little shorter than your domesticated cats’ lives.

All right, fine, so you don’t want us breeding in your yard, infecting your pets or livestock, fighting all hours of the night, making a latrine out of your garden or throwing your garbage all over the street.  I can accept that, but you’ve got to accept I’m not just some stray, looking for a handout and some love.  I am a feral cat, a wild cat.  I am born to eat rodents, birds, and whatever I can scavenge. I am happy sleeping under a wood pile or finding my way into your shed or garage.

I don’t understand how some people want to force us into an alien environment, taking us in as pets and then expecting us to live up to your happy cat expectations.  Others of you want to get rid of us altogether.  Well, since there are more feral cats in the United States than there are domesticated cats, you’ve got your chore cut out for you if you think you can get rid of us permanently.

So, I think we’ve got to come up with a compromise.  Some of you humans, farmers and ranchers, especially, have lots of property and lots of rodents.  Guess what?  We’re perfectly equipped to handle your problem.  Just relocate us from the city or neighborhood to a nice farm or ranch.  We’ll fend for ourselves, sleep where we want, and keep the rodent population down for you.

And, if we get rid of your rodents, other nasty predators like coyotes, snakes or bobcats go looking for their food elsewhere.  I’m not so naïve as to think we feral cats won’t become part of the food chain ourselves, fighting with other predators for the same food source, but most of us will prevail.  Those who do will help you with your problem and you help us with our problem.  Win-win, right?

Feral Cats and Farmers

I’ve learned a lot over the last few months about farmers and feral cats.

I’m a recent homeowner, just bought my first house in a farming community that is slowly turning into a town of new subdivisions.  Many of the farmers are aging, their children have grown up and gone off to pursue careers other than farming, and they’re getting offered prime dollar for their land.  I didn’t know all of this when I bought my home, of course.  I just enjoyed the rural atmosphere that came with my brand new home.

My backyard adjoins an old farm, and the family has sworn they are never going to sell.  I know nothing’s certain, but I feel a little relieved to think the view from my backyard will retain that rural feel.  I’ve gotten to know the family that owns the place, as well as their employees, and I’ve benefitted from their knowledge of the area, gardening tips, and feral cats.

I know that sounds odd, to benefit from someone else’s feral cats.  Most people think feral cats are a nuisance at best and dangerous at worst.  It is true that they can carry disease and parasites, just like any wild animal, or they could infect my pets or fight with them.

Fortunately, though, I have indoor pets, so that’s not a concern for me.  What has been a concern is the vast number of mice, rats, voles and moles in the area.  With new subdivisions going up in former farmers’ fields, we humans are invading the natural habitat of these rodents.  Mice and rats just love new housing developments:  lots of food sources like garbage cans or kitchens, and lots of warm places to sleep, like an attic or inside the walls of a home.  Voles, gophers and moles enjoy the grass and gardens we plant, giving them a luscious food source and soft places to burrow.  And, let’s face it, rodents bring in a lot more disease and parasites than feral cats do, and they bring them right into our homes.

So when I say I benefit from the farmers’ feral cats, I mean it!  Years ago, he actually asked a wildlife trapper to bring him some feral cats, and he paid for them to get spayed or neutered. Then, he let them loose on his property.  Feral cats, as wild animals, are used to fending for themselves, chasing down rodents for food.  They don’t need constant love and attention, they don’t need to come in and out of your home, they just need a safe place to be a feral cat.  I don’t have the rodent problems some of the other new city residents are experiencing, thanks to my farmer’s feral cats.

Now, my farmer friend admitted to me that some of his feral cats have sometimes become prey themselves.  The feral cats compete with other predators for the same food source, and are also a natural food source to other animals such as coyotes.  But, since they have been pretty successful at keeping the rodent population down, many of the other predators have moved on, looking elsewhere for a more abundant food source.

It’s been a win-win for the farmer and his feral cats, and now it is a win for me, too.

Feral Cat Removal

My husband and I love to travel, and one thing we’ve noticed is there is a huge need for feral cat removal all around the world.

We’re not your standard American tourists, who stick to bus tours, museums, gift shops and well-known monuments.  We love to walk off the beaten track, strolling into neighborhoods and going where the locals like to hang out.  In our opinion, it’s the best way to see the world, see how someone else lives.

And, we have seen how feral cats are a big problem wherever you live.  Some places have worse problems than others.  Maui has a large feral cat population.  They love to hang out in alleys behind restaurants, munching on free food and the rodents that come to rummage in the trash.  In Tunisia, it’s crazy.  Wild cats roam around the streets, nosing through garbage, tracking disease and fleas and ticks wherever they go.  It seems odd that no one seems to think of feral cat removal in some places.

After a long trip, we love coming home.  Our bed just seems softer, our home more cozy.  We unpack our suitcases, exhausted and ready for a long night’s rest.  Then, in the middle of the night, we’re awakened by a nerve-jarring “rawrrrr-rawrrrrr-hisss.”  Apparently, we have a feral cat problem right in our own neighborhood, and they’re out there fighting and hissing and tracking disease and all over our own subdivision.   We love our neighbors, but can they be serious, setting out food and shelter for the wild cats roaming our streets?  We love cats as much as they do, but if you don’t provide food and shelter, the wild ones will find it somewhere else!

What’s worse, they love to leave their garage door open just a little, just to give the wild cats a warm place to sleep and have their litters.  When the kittens are born, they’re just allowed to wander in and out of their garage.  The cats make a toilet out of our garden, and spray our walls to mark their territory.

We desperately wish our neighbors would at least have the courtesy to trap and neuter or spay the wild cats they feed and house.  That way, the problem would be reduced.  We are seriously considering calling a feral cat removal service ourselves, asking them to be discreet in their efforts at trapping.  We’d hate ending up in a fight with our neighbors over cats that don’t even belong to us, but we’ve seen how bad the issue can be in cities all over the world.  Please don’t let it happen here!

Get Rid of Feral Cats

get rid of feral cats
Getting rid of a feral cat is not something usually attempted by a homeowner, but one couple was at the end of their rope.

            Like many pet owners, they had a doggie door, to allow their dog access in and out of the home to “take care of its business” without waking them up late at night or first thing every morning.  It was extremely frustrating, then, when they were awakened in the middle of the night by crashes coming from the kitchen.  The husband grabbed up a golf club and the wife followed him as he ran out of their bedroom to see what was going on in their home.  Grabbing for the light switch, they saw what had caused the ruckus:  a feral cat.

            They’d seen this cat roaming around the neighborhood.  None of their neighbors claimed it was theirs, and no one seemed to be leaving food out for it.  Someone had seen it rooting around in their garbage one night, but it was quickly chased off.  Now, though, it had found access to their house, and was stealing the dog’s food and making a horrific mess.

            They had successfully chased it out of the house that night and thought it was a one-time adventure.  Unfortunately, the cat had other ideas.  For three nights in a row, it came in and made a nuisance of itself.  It would meow, hiss at the dog, help itself to food, knock over dishes, and spraying the walls.  Night after night, they would chase it away.  And day after day, they would clean up after it.  The wife tried not to think too much about where that cat had been, how filthy it must be, and what kind of parasites it was bringing into the house.  Each day, they would come up with another way to scare it off, but nothing worked.  They just had to get rid of this feral cat. 

            On the third night, they trapped it, but it escaped.  A new trap was purchased, and the husband devised a makeshift “catcher.”  He got a long tube and pushed a loop of extension cord through it.  That fourth night, it was fairly quiet, but they were sure the cat was still in the kitchen by the morning.  Sure enough, a low growl and a hiss came from behind the refrigerator. 

            Grabbing up the stiff cardboard tube and extension cord, the husband left a loop of it hanging out of one end and held the other end tight.  The extra cord just snaked behind him.  First, he had to get the cat to come out from behind the refrigerator, so he banged one side until the cat streaked out the other side, leaping onto the counter.  After several careful approaches, cutting off all escape routes, and ignoring the broken dishes, he was finally able to get rid of the feral cat by throwing the looped extension cord around its neck, pulling it just tight enough to keep the cat from escaping, and carrying it across the room to deposit the cat in a trap. 

            Now, all they had to do was find out what the laws said they could do with this wild creature.  Until then, the cat sat there in their kitchen, snug in its wire cage and far away from the dog food or kitchen appliances.