I am a self-proclaimed cat lover, even though some people really don’t understand my efforts at feral cat removal. I don’t actually have any pets of my own since my last cat passed away a year ago, but I love animals of all kinds, especially cats. It’s why I have undertaken feral cat removal.
Let’s be clear, feral cats are not strays. They are not sweet domestic cats that have lost their way. They are wild animals, wild cats, that have learned to take advantage of living near humans. But, they need to be taken care of just like any other wild animal.
So, I set up a feeding station on my large property. I live in a normal rural neighborhood, in the outskirts of a large city, and we have a lot of feral cats in the area. I just flip a big plastic bin over on its side and set some water and cat food dishes inside. Then, I set up a small camera to record the cats that come for shelter and food. I keep track of the cats and which times they come to feed. That’s when we set up feral cat traps.
The feral cats are removed from off of my property and taken to the local shelter, where they receive medical treatment and are spayed or neutered. The people at the shelter know me and help me in my feral cat removal efforts. After they determine the cats are indeed wild, and do not belong to anyone, they get fixed. The shelter in my area allows them to be released afterwards, which means I get to enjoy watching them. But, I know they won’t be breeding and creating an even bigger feral cat problem in my neighborhood.
I keep the camera out by the feeding station, and keep track of the animals that come to feed. I’ve named all of the feral cats I’ve had removed and fixed, and they often bring other cats to the feeding station. Those feral cats get removed, receive medical treatment, and are also fixed.
It’s to be expected that other wild animals are also attracted to the feeding station. With my camera, I’ve caught skunks, raccoons and opossums who took advantage of my hospitality. I have traps set for those wild animals, too.
My goal is not to attract more wildlife to my neighborhood, but to remove the feral cats long enough to be treated correctly. Not all of my neighbors are happy with my efforts, but I’m hoping they’ll all notice a serious decline in the feral cat population around here. Then, maybe they’ll understand that feral cat removal can be handled in a humane and successful way.