There are two skunks living under the deck in my backyard and I need for someone to get rid of them. They’ve burrowed a hole down underneath the deck and you can hear them down there right around dusk scuffling around. There haven’t been any instances where they’ve sprayed and caused a problem with smell – although there is definitely a skunky tang to the air around the deck especially early in the morning. I realize that you probably think if they’re not spraying and causing any harm why can’t I just leave them there, but I hope any rational person would understand my dilemma of needing them gone without any further explanation.
The real problem is my granddaughter. My daughter leave little Alyssa with me when she goes to work in the morning and we spend the day together. She loves to be outside and will play through all hours of the night if I let her, and I used to entertain her energy and enthusiasm but now I’m too worried about the skunks under the deck to let her play outside without careful supervision. I don’t want them to crawl out from under the deck and spray or attack my sweet girl. She’s so innocent and sweet she still tries to pet every animal she sees so that’s a very real concern for me. I just want to protect her.
I’m in a pretty residential area or I would have my husband take care of this problem himself. I assume trapping them will be fairly easy; they walk the same small path every night when they leave and the only way they can access the deck is through one small hole. But, if I trapped them myself I’d have no clue what to do with them. I need help. Help protecting my home and my grandbaby!