I’m just a sweet, old tabby cat who wants to take naps in the soft grass in the backyard instead of worrying about how to get rid of swallows.
There is a spot in the backyard that is a little spot of cat heaven. It has been my spot and mine only for the last three summers. The grass is soft, and wonderfully fragrant right after a good mow, the sun hits it just right in the morning, so it’s warm on my belly, but not too warm. It’s right in between the house, where I have food and water, and the grouping of trees with its luscious and plentiful squirrels and birds. I can chase them, if I want to, but as the years go by, I prefer to think about the chase as their chitters and chirps invade my cat dreams in the sun.
But, this year is different. This year, my perfect napping spot is tainted by the presence of swooping, angry mud swallows. At first, I enjoyed watching them as they flew between the small nearby pond and the house, tiny bits of mud in their beaks. They would daub the mud up onto the house itself, right under the eaves, building up a nest. I didn’t think much of it, although occasionally I would gather up enough strength to rise and swat at them as they flew overhead, especially after a little glob of mud rained down on my nose.
Now the nest is built, and I thought it would mean the end of the incessant flying back and forth and back and forth. Little did I know it was about to become worse. Now, my thoughts are on how to get rid of swallows instead of dreaming of chasing squirrels and deciding whether to go inside and eat or stay and sleep.
The eggs have hatched, and the tiny baby birds are amazingly noisy, keeping me from fully falling into my cat dreams. To make matters worse, the two adult swallows now see me as a threat, and actually try to chase me out of my perfect cat-napping spot. They swoop down on me, daring to get close enough that I think I’m going to get a beak in the neck if I’m not careful. I have to watch the two of them at once, attacking and swirling around me. I leap, and twist and bat at them with my powerful cat claws, but they circle around too fast and avoid my half-hearted attacks.
One of these days, I’ll figure out how to actually get rid of swallows. Swallows come back year after year after year, and I just don’t want to deal with the constant chirping and dizzy swooping. Sigh. Maybe I’ll just look for a new perfect napping spot.