It seems like it starts out of the blue. Just as you’re drifting off to sleep, you hear a noise in the wall. Almost as soon as you notice it, it’s quiet again, and you start to wonder if you imagined that little rustling, bumping noise in the wall. You turn over on your side, and there it is again! Bumping, scraping, possibly even chewing. You turn on the light and look around and there is nothing out of the ordinary in your room. But, if you get very still and listen very hard, the noise in the wall soon starts up again.
Your mind is still exhausted from a day of hard work, and scenes from ghost movies bubble up in your memory. Quickly, you reject the idea that these noises are paranormal. Unfortunately, they are all too real, and you’re going to have to do something about it. But, what do you do when an animal is inside the wall?
Late at night, you don’t want to do anything at all. You wish you hadn’t heard the noise, and could blissfully and naively let sleep overtake your senses. Every time your mind starts to drift towards dreams, though, the awful thought of an animal living in your wall, just next to your sleeping head, pokes your consciousness awake. You know it won’t do any good, but you slap the wall hard, hoping the animal inside the wall will be frightened enough it will leave your house for good. Before long, the chewing sound is back.
It feels like the animal in the wall is taunting you, saying it knows you won’t do anything right now. This is now its home. It can feed, breed, defecate and urinate wherever it pleases. If it wants to chew on a wall joist, gnaw a hole through the drywall or even nibble on electrical wiring, it will. You wonder what damage it’s causing. You wonder if you’re breathing in animal shed hairs or parasites. You wonder if it’s gotten into your stuff. Worst of all, you wonder what type of animal is it?
Do you have a solitary snake that’s slithered up through a tiny crack and climbed up the inside of your wall? Probably not, not with the nibbling sound you’re hearing. Maybe there is an entire rat nest in the wall, and rats are running rampant all through your home, getting into who knows what. Maybe it’s even a raccoon in the wall, or baby raccoons in the wall. Could you possibly have bats in the wall?
Sighing, you know you won’t have much sleep tonight. You turn on the light and grab whatever electronic device is nearest to do some research on the internet. Unfortunately, you don’t get many definite answers, just more questions. The thought of crawling around on the inside of your home, armed with nothing but a flashlight, and coming face to face with some animal in the wall is too horrific to dwell on. No, there is only one solution. You get the number for the best pest control or exterminator or animal trapper in your area. Let a wildlife control specialist go toe to toe or paw to paw with whatever animal is inside your walls. No more sleepless nights with an animal in the wall and an overactive imagination.