I have a SEVERE woodpecker problem. I don’t know what it is about my red, cedar house but woodpeckers love it. About 6 years ago is when my problem hit its peak, I had about 40 holes that had to be filled and repaired and I was able to get a special permit to kill the woodpecker that was doing all the damage because nothing else worked. Since then, I’ve seen woodpeckers in the trees around town and occasionally on a neighbor or friend’s home, but I have been woodpecker free; until now.
Three weeks ago, I left on a vacation for Hawaii with my daughter and her family. When I got back, I was mortified at what I found. My (practically) long-forgotten woodpecker problem had started up again. I could visibly see 4 new holes just on the front face of my house, and one of them obviously held a nest. Can you imagine the feeling of seeing thousands of dollars you’d invested into your home, the investment crumbling in front of your eyes as the problem resurfaced? I hope you feel just a percentage of my horror and understand why I am in such a rush to get this taken care of.
I cannot, no, I WILL not let this happen again. I have already hung up reflectors and streamers as close to the holes as I can get alone, and have a Wildlife Technician that specializes in woodpecker problems coming out later this week to start on more deterrents. If I have to, I’ll get the Department of Wildlife on the phone and get another permit. I can’t stand by and watch my beautiful home be destroyed again. Oh, the image of the last woodpecker ruining my house haunts my dreams! Whatever it takes, I’m going to get this woodpecker problem resolved, and fast.