My owner just has to understand she needs to get rid of feral cats. If I’m going to be labeled an “outside cat,” then I gotta be safe. I gotta make sure my food bowl belongs just to me, not to any old cat that wanders by. I need to stay healthy, which means these mangy feral cats shouldn’t infect me with their nasty little mites and ticks and other tiny creepy crawlies. And, my bed. Oh, my bed is mine. But half the time I have to chase one of these wild cats away from my own bed, and I’ve gotten scratched and bit more than once. Imagine, my precious, silky fur and skin marred by a wild cat’s scratch. Yep, my owner has got to get rid of feral cats.
The day my owner decided enough was enough and made me an “outdoor cat” came as a complete shock to me. So what if I scratched up her new leather couch? Isn’t that why she bought it, so I could keep my claws nice and sharp? And, I really did think the litter box was optional. Sometimes that corner on the carpet, right by the fireplace, was the most convenient and comfortable place to relieve myself. She let me get away with all of that for a while, and then HE came. Some complete stranger that made her get all lovey-dovey. He would be fine over at our house for a while, until he started sneezing and wheezing and sniffling and chuffing. What was his problem, anyway?
One day, after an innocent little “marking” incident in her closet, my owner just set me out. I guess she just can’t take it. She set me up pretty nicely, though. As an outdoor cat, I get a little more freedom, she got me a nice cozy and secure bed, and she makes sure to set food out for me twice a day. I miss curling up on her slippers, or the warmth of the bed, or jumping up on the kitchen counters. But, the outside life isn’t so bad. That is, except for the neighbors. We have just got to figure out a way to get rid of feral cats so I can enjoy my territory without fear of finding one of them curled up in my bed or chomping on my food.
I thought I could get rid of feral cats on my own. I marked the perimeter of my territory, and spent several nights fighting with them to scare them off. But, there are a couple of them that keep showing up. It’s annoying to fight them off of my food dish or out of my sleeping box, but I’m afraid I’m going to end up really sick or injured one of these days.
It’s definitely time my owner get Allstate Animal Control to get rid of feral cats. Then, I can go back to destroying, I mean enjoying, my owner’s home all by myself.