The entire country has seen weird weather patterns so far in 2015. Unusually mild and warm in some places, freezing temperatures and dramatic amounts of snow in other areas. Mother nature is tricking wildlife, and we should be prepared for the impact.
In Utah, the weather has been so relatively warm and mild that daffodils and tulips have already started to bloom in early February. Bears are already waking up from hibernation. We’re not seeing as many bald eagles in Utah, likely because they didn’t need to migrate as far south this year.
Utah’s wild animals are much more active this time of year because of the mild winter and early food sources. A bumper crop of nuts or berries and other food sources also means a “bumper crop” of wild animals in Utah, like mice, rats, squirrels, pigeons, sparrows, opossums and other birds. More of the smaller wild animals will attract more predatory animals, like raccoons, skunks, coyotes and snakes.
Let’s not forget the impact of a low snow-pack level. Not only has Utah been relatively warm, but it’s also been relatively dry. Lower snow fall means Utah may face drought conditions this year. In a drought, the natural food and water sources dry up, and shelter becomes more scarce. We may see more wild animal-human conflicts in Utah as wild animals migrate into residential areas in search of easier food and water and shelter.
Whether Utahans are cheering or lamenting the unusual weather, the smart move is to prepare for unusual wild animal activity. Allstate Animal Control can set up an inspection for homes, offices, warehouses, church buildings, schools, stables or other outbuildings. An inspection will reveal if you already have a problem with a wild animal, if there are things around or on your property that will attract a wild animal, and what prevention methods are best for you. If you already have a problem, Allstate Animal Control sends out technicians who remove dead animals, repairs animal damage, sanitizes the area in which wild animals have lived, trap animals, gets rid of wild animals, and installs exclusion materials to prevent wild animals from returning to your building. Contact Allstate Animal Control today at 1-888-488-7720, or at