75 gallons of pigeon droppings? Yep. Twice a year, some unlucky parking garage employee in a Fairbanks, Alaska garage gets the job of cleaning up after the pigeons that roost in and around the garage. The hazmat suit is donned, special hazardous waste material bags are used, and about 75 gallons of pigeon poop is scooped up. According to some government reports, one pigeon produces up to 25 pounds of poop every year. Now, multiply that by however many pigeons are roosting in and around your business, garage, office building, apartments, home or outbuilding! And, it’s not just gross to look at. It’s corrosive! Pigeon droppings are acidic enough that it eats through concrete, wood or metal joists, weakening a structure, defacing buildings, and ruining property. So, not only does it weaken the structure of a building, but it’s heavy enough to weigh it down and cause serious damage. When you weigh the pros and cons of ways of dealing with a pigeon problem, you need to also consider the cost of repairing joists, re-facing the building, re-pouring concrete. A professional bird remover will not only get rid of the roosting pigeons, but will clean up pigeon droppings and sanitize the area, as well as install materials that will keep pigeons out of your building. It’s well worth it to have an expert take care of the pigeon problem once and for all instead of dealing with the problem year after year after year.
Tag Archives: pigeon guano
Pigeon Removal
As an interior designer working in the city, I don’t consider pigeon removal as my area of expertise. I specialize in transforming apartments to really reflect the resident’s personalities. Most of my clients love living in the city, even though it means paying a lot of money to live in a small, cramped space with no view. So, I try to make an oasis out of the space they have. After I’m done, they can still enjoy the passions of city life and have a relaxing haven to call home.
Of course, when I first arrive at most clients’ apartments, it’s immediately obvious they need a professional designer and decorator. Some people’s attempts (or lack thereof) of decorating are just abominable. I knew one lady who only owned a bed out of necessity, but hadn’t purchased any other furniture, because she was afraid of making bad decorating decisions. She sat on the floor to eat her meals and didn’t have friends over, because she had nowhere for them to sit. She’d been living like that for over a year before finally hiring me.
One gentleman just accepted all the hand-me-down furniture and wall-hangings from his mother, without even trying to make them his own. When I first met him, I found a heterosexual bachelor living with overstuffed flowered couches and chairs and lace-encrusted pictures of birds and butterflies.
Whatever people’s design-choices, I have noticed a trend amongst city-apartment tenants. They almost always have to deal with pigeon removal one way or the other. Some wise people invest in a good pigeon removal service to keep their balcony free of birds and bird-debris. Some people choose to ignore the pigeon problem and end up with pigeon guano encrusted on their balcony floor several layers deep. Some people, the do-it-yourselfers, try more creative approaches. One woman actually drew scary faces on white balloons and taped the balloons to her railing, hoping to humanely frighten the pigeons from roosting on her window sills. She was traumatized when she realized her “humane” efforts ended up killing the pigeons that swallowed pieces of popped balloons. Some people attempt pigeon removal with thick wires with nails thrust through them. They glue these wires onto the areas where pigeons roost, hoping the nails that stick out will prevent the pigeons from resting their tired wings in and around their apartment. Unfortunately, some people don’t install these correctly, and either end up giving pigeons a perfect nook in which to roost free from predators, or impale their hands as they’re installing it.
Most pigeon removal materials do not enhance the look of an apartment. I take care of the interior, and make it an oasis for my clients, but I always suggest a good pigeon removal service to get rid of pigeon problems for them. After all, why spend good money on beautiful furniture and decorations if your guests are just going to focus on the balloons dancing madly in the wind outside your one and only window?