The winter storms that have pummeled the East coast have certainly disrupted life for all of us, from thousands of canceled flights, to having to shovel the driveway several times a day, to braving icy and snowy roads to get to work or school. But, the harsh winter conditions have challenged some wildlife populations and made life easier for other wild animals. Long periods of deep snow mean death to the weak and sick among raccoons, skunks, opossums, deer, rabbits and birds, especially the weaker or sick animals. Food is more difficult to find, which provokes wild animals like raccoons, skunks, opossums, foxes and coyotes to wander through residential and commercial areas in search of easier food and water sources. People are more likely to have run-ins with wild animals who seek out the warmth of spaces under homes and other buildings. Raccoons, squirrels, pigeons and rodents get into warm attics or walls and hunker down from the cold. Ground-dwelling animals, like voles, gophers, groundhogs or moles, enjoy deep snow since it insulates their burrows and protects them from being spotted by predatory animals like coyotes, skunks, raccoons or owls. Deep snow right now might result in higher rodent populations, more vole problems in the spring, which will in turn attract their predators once the snows have melted. So, between shoveling the driveway and de-icing your car, you might want to be proactive in taking care of the wild animal problem you might not even know you have until they start to damage your home, car or yard. Contact Allstate Animal Control at 1-888-488-7720 or visit our home page at to schedule an appointment with a wild animal specialist. Wildlife Trappers will visit your home or business; inspect your building for signs of wild animals, wild animal damage, or weaknesses in the structure that allow animals to enter your building. They will remove wild animals and install materials to prevent them from getting into your walls, attic or crawlspace. They can even remove the dead animals that have died under your home or outbuilding, or in the attic, or walls, chimney, basement or crawlspace. They will clean and sanitize the area and make it safe for your family. Violent winter storms are difficult enough to endure, you don’t want to deal with a wild animal problem on top of everything else.