I had no idea the baby squirrels nesting in the window well just outside my office would cause such a squirrel removal controversy. I work for a gentleman who runs a business out of his home office in his basement. There are two of us who show up at his house each morning, walk around back and let ourselves into the basement office. He runs his own small real estate company, and specializes in foreclosed or distressed houses. Unfortunately, these homes are a lot more work for a real estate professional, which is why he needs help. My friend and I both needed part-time work while our children were in school, and we consider it a bonus that we get to work with each other. We do all the paperwork and handle phone calls while he is out talking with clients and generating more business. It’s definitely a win-win for all of us.
Even though it’s a basement office, it’s nicely finished and I’m lucky enough to have a window casting light onto my desk during the day. Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed an accumulation of twigs, leaves and shredded paper in the grass-lined window-well bottom. Then, one morning after a three-day weekend, I came into the office delighted to see three little baby squirrels wriggling around in the soft debris. My friend was home with her sick child that morning, so I had no one to share it with. I took some video of the cute little baby squirrels and the mama squirrel hustling around the nest taking care of them. Then, I went to work, but kept my eye on them throughout the morning.
The next day, I was excited to share this beautiful sight with my co-worker/friend, and told her about it as we walked into the office. She looked appalled, much to my surprise. I had thought she’d ooooh and aaaah over the adorable little squirrel babies, but instead she talked about squirrel removal. Before I knew it, she had our boss on the phone and asked permission to contact a squirrel removal company.
I grabbed the phone from her and pleaded on behalf of the squirrels. I said they weren’t harming anyone, and since they were outside in the window well, they weren’t going to damage his house. Our boss said he’d think about it and call us after he met with a potential client.
Needless to say, the morning’s work was shoved aside as my friend and I debated, but I eventually came around to understand where she was coming from. She’d had a squirrel nest in the attic once, and it was awful. Some big animal like a raccoon came in after the nest and ate a couple of them, leaving the remains to decay in her attic. As they rotted, her house got infested with bugs and flies. She just couldn’t bear to go through that again, even if it was at someone else’s home office. I gave in, once I was reassured the squirrel removal company would take care of the squirrels humanely, and would probably save their life, considering how many feral cats lived in the area. In the end, it just made sense.