We have voles in our backyard and it’s pretty clear that we’re not going to be able to solve this problem on our own. This isn’t the first year we’ve had problems with them, either. Two years ago is when we first discovered them, we searched the internet for at home solutions but it never really got serious enough that we worried about them; it was just a few holes and trails here and there, nothing we couldn’t live with. We pretty much just ignored them and figured they’d die off once winter hit and we wouldn’t have problems the next spring at all. Yeah, apparently that’s not how that works.
Last April as the snow melted, we found 10 times as many vole trails cutting through our grass! I was shocked, I couldn’t believe the vole problem could’ve gotten that out of hand, especially when it had been as cold as it was. That was when we really started looking for a solution to the madness, we wanted to stop the voles in our yard before our yard was destroyed so we took to the internet and tried just about everything we could on our own. You name it, we probably tried it, flooding the tunnels? Yep. Not watering anything at all and trying to dry them out? That one too. Electrosonic Yard Spikes? You can bet on it. Since we had dogs running around, we were doing our best to avoid poisons or sprays that could hurt them, but eventually we tried those too.
All summer we tried whatever we could get our hands on to get rid of the voles in our yard, until eventually my husband came home with a bucket of Lord knows what with the slogan of “Whatever it is, we can kill it”. Why did I think it was a good idea? Probably mad vole disease, but I let him lay it out. We did our best to keep an eye on the areas we treated and make sure the dogs didn’t go near them, but one afternoon our youngest pup got into a big patch of poisoned grass and (being a dog) she couldn’t resist trying some. She was so sick for weeks, I was terrified she was going to die, but luckily she pulled through. All I know is this year, I’m not letting my husband put any kind of poison ANYWHERE in my lawn. I want a professional, someone that knows what they’re doing and how to do it right.