I started my day off wondering if I would remember everything we wanted to bring to the park for my daughter’s birthday party, and got sidetracked wondering how to get rid of voles.
My daughter is turning six, and since she has a June birthday, it is a perfect time of the year to host a birthday party outside at a park. I’m bringing water balloons, several bikes for the kids to ride, water guns, her presents, a soccer ball, a basketball, a kite and a couple of Frisbees for all of her friends and cousins to play with while the adults supervise and talk. Of course, I can’t forget the cake, the lemonade, the tablecloth, the paper plates and plastic spoons . . . the list goes on and on.
So, I spent the night before writing up a list of all the things I need to remember to bring, and then checking them off as I gathered them together. The morning of the party, I lugged two huge bags, one of the bikes and a couple of balls out to the car, struggled with the keys, and popped open the trunk to commence packing the car with birthday swag, games and food. I stopped cold, though, when I looked at my trunk, which was supposed to be empty.
Instead of an empty trunk, I faced a mountain of shredded fabric. It had once been the felt cover separating the spare tire from everything else, but no more. Scattered throughout the trunk, all around this pile of destroyed felt, were seeds and small animal droppings.
As I stood there in shock, wondering what on earth this could mean, and trying to keep the birthday items from crashing to the ground, a little creature darted out from within the mound of insulation, ran across the inside of my trunk, across the spare tire, and hid behind the emergency supply of water I keep in there. I’m proud to say that I kept my cool, and slowly walked back to the front door, where I safely deposited all the items that threatened to fall at any moment. Birthday party games intact, I walked back to the open trunk and peered again inside, wondering how I was going to get rid of this vole.
Unfortunately, that is when I noticed the hole-like entrance into the vole’s “burrow.” Taking a breath, I got a little closer, and noticed several tiny little vole babies fast asleep, believing they were completely secure in their home. Now, it wasn’t just a question of getting rid of one vole, but several voles.
But, I was a mom, and I had a daughter who counted on me to give her a fun birthday party, and I knew I could figure out a way. I wonder how quickly a vole removal service could get out here . . .