I thought I knew how to get rid of a mouse. As a high school junior, I have no problems being in charge when both my parents have to go out of town on business trips. I’ve been watching my younger brother and sister for years whenever both Mom and Dad are gone. It’s been great, too. I get paid for doing what I normally do at home, and all I have to do is make sure they both get their homework done, they’re ready for school in the morning, and make dinner at night. The rest of the time, I can have my friends over, watch TV, do my homework, text my friends, and just do what I usually do. Easy, right?
Sure, it’s easy. Until something weird happens. Like the time my little brother had one of his friends over, and his friend got really hurt while they were jumping on our trampoline. But, I’m a great babysitter. I helped calm my brother’s friend down, called his mom to pick him up, and made up new rules about the trampoline. It’s never happened again.
Or, like the time my little sister stuck a bead up her nose while she was playing in the toy room. I have no idea where she got the bead. But, she stuck it up there pretty far. I managed to help her get it out, though. I just plugged up the other nostril and had her blow. After like two tries, that little sucker shot right out of her nose, all gooey and sticky. See? Problem solved.
So, last night I saw a mouse in the house. It ran right across the floor in front of us while we were watching TV before bed, and ran under the couch where I was sitting. My brother screamed, and my little sister tried to chase it. It was so gross, but I’m pretty sure I know how to get rid of a mouse. I got my brother and sister out of the room and ready for bed. After they were in their bedrooms, I marched back down to the living room and looked under the couch. Yep, it was still there. I have no idea what it was doing, or why it was just sitting there, but there it was. I could get rid of a mouse, one stupid little mouse.
I grabbed up our cat, Deacon, tossed him in the room with the TV and the mouse, and closed the door. Done. Deacon would get rid of the mouse by the morning.
This morning, I opened up the door to the TV room right before school. Deacon ran out and headed outside. Then, the mouse came tearing across the room and disappeared under the TV console. Great. Just great. Guess I don’t know how to get rid of a mouse.
So, I texted Mom, and she told me to just call Allstate Animal Control. They’d know how to get rid of a mouse. Guess I don’t know everything, but I’m still a great babysitter.