I have a major rock chuck problem in the field behind my house, and it’s starting to creep up into my back lawn. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were gophers or ground squirrels too, but I know that the rock chuck is for sure because we’ve caught him on the security camera on three separate occasions, running through the yard. There are also large holes dotting the perimeter of our property, and scattered throughout the field. The smaller holes I would attribute to a smaller rodent like gophers or ground squirrels, which is still a problem that I’d like to have solved since there’s nothing quite as irksome as working for years to have beautiful landscaping only to have it ruined by overrated rats.
I know that to an outsider of our situation, taking care of the rock chucks in a field might seem unnecessary or even extreme, but I’m not going to let this situation escalate any further out of my control than it already is. Last month, our best horse had to be put down because of a broken leg. Can you guess how she broke it? If you guessed that she was running and got her foot caught in a large rock chuck hole then you would be the winner. My concern for this rock chuck problem was already heightened because of that, but when last week my daughter sprained her ankle from tripping in one of the holes I drew the line. I will not have my children, animals, or anyone else for that matter, put at risk by something that I could get a handle on if I put the time in.
The issue is that I’m not a good enough shot to wipe the rock chucks out myself, my husband isn’t home early enough to try, and neither of us have any of the necessary licensing to be able to use conobear traps (kill traps). And besides that, I wouldn’t want to set a trap that powerful up in my field with my horses running around; there’s been enough damage as it is. I’m looking for other solutions and someone with the proper paperwork to act on those solutions. I just need to solve this rock chuck problem, and hopefully the gopher/ground squirrel problems, as soon as possible.