Professional Wildlife Trapping & Animal Control - Colorado
If you are experiencing wild bird, snake, or animal infestations in your home, at your business, or on your personal property in the state of Colorado, we will provide you with professional trapping and pest wildlife removal services.
When you have a conflict with wildlife in your home or on your property, our Colorado wildlife professionals throughout the state are experienced at taking care of the animals humanely and in accordance with local and state laws. They are trained and experienced with the behaviors and traits of each animal, take care of the problem animals humanely, and know the laws governing nuisance wildlife removal in your area. We are a full-service network: we trap or remove the animals from your property, clean up and sanitize, repair the areas of the building where the animal damaged it, and install blockers if necessary to prevent animals from coming back into your home the same way. Your life goes back to normal.
Your wildlife technician will take care of wild animals that damage your home and property, threaten you, your children or your pets, and bring disease and parasites into your home, such as: raccoons, bats, pigeons, skunks, swallows, woodpeckers, voles, rats, gophers, squirrels, moles, beavers, armadillos, chipmunks, mice, snakes, opossums, feral cats, porcupines, rabbits and honeybees. The professional who services your project specializes in removing wild animals. We do not exterminate bugs, remove pets or go after large game animals. We are the ones you want to call to protect you, your home, your lawn and your property from nuisance wildlife.
For a solution to your Colorado wild animal problem, please click on your city or county on the above map, or select from the list of cities and counties in the right-hand column. This will allow you to locate our network’s trained wildlife control technician closest to your area. Our wild animal control experts can deal with any wildlife situation you may experience.
Our Professionals Trappers listed on this site can handle animals in your attic, such as squirrels or a mother raccoon with a litter of babies. We also deal with nuisance wildlife such as pigeons, skunks and bats. If you have lawn-destroying critters such as gophers or moles tearing up your garden or landscaping, we can take care of that, too.
We witness daily how wildlife can destroy soffits, vents, screens and wiring. We know from firsthand experience that animals do significant damage by urine, by fecal matter deposits, and by the insect pests that they bring to your home. There are many species of wild animals living in Colorado, some of which are dangerous or even poisonous. Give us a call; we can arrange an inspection and a service call to remove all wildlife animals safely and humanely. We also offer repairs, decontamination services and service contracts.
We solve all kinds of Colorado wildlife problems.
- We provide wildlife removal by experienced professional trappers.
- We offer decontamination, repairs and odor control.
- Prevent wild animals from further damaging your property.
- Use our Colorado map directory to locate a professional in the city or county nearest you.
With 222 Colorado state wildlife areas, thirteen national forests in Colorado, and cities such as Denver, which boasts the largest city park system in all of North America, it is easy to say Colorado is a beautiful state. As urban areas grow outward and upward into the mountains, however, humans and wild animals experience more and more conflict. It is much easier to enjoy Colorado’s wild animals when they do not pose a threat to you or your property. Your wildlife control specialists know how to safely and legally remove these animals from off your property and repair the damage they leave behind.
Colorado Division of Wildlife lists species of bats, mice, and snake on its Threatened and Endangered list. Your Wildlife Control Specialists know how to handle each species of nuisance wildlife, can safely and legally remove them from your home, commercial building or off your property, repair the damage they have caused, clean up the biohazard mess they have left behind, and get you back to your life.