Nesting Rats
Attic rats nest in the insulation. They ruin insulation by chewing it, matting it down, and peeing and crapping all over it.
I have seen rats' nests in walls , chimneys, vents, attics , under eaves, crawlspaces, and a myriad of other places. Human homes are attractive to wild rats because they provide heat, food, and a place to nest away from their natural predators on the outside. Owls, foxes, weasels, hawks, and coyotes all love fine dining under the stars when the main course is rat a la king. Outdoor nests are often located in woodpiles, leaf piles, overgrown shrubbery, and brick piles. Some species prefer to burrow under foundations, in overgrown areas, and in gardens and fields. Rats will also climb up electrical wires, vines, trees, bricks and stucco to find a nice nesting spot.
Rats build nests in places you wouldn't think rats could get to, but rats are contortionists. They only need an opening the size of a quarter to gain access to a building! In many cases this is easily found where wires or water pipes enter the structure.
Once rats have chosen a location to set up house, they stay year round or return year after year in the cold months. Female rats of the same family (sisters, mothers, aunts, etc.) have been known to share nesting space with each other, communally nursing and raising each other's offspring. A mother rat is only pregnant for three weeks, after which time she will produce a litter of 6 to 12 babies. This can be repeated six times a year. The offspring are independent in a month and ready to reproduce in three or four months. They often choose to mate and reproduce in their own birth location. Often, one large, aggressive male is present and dominates the family.
The damage that nesting rats cause to your wood, wiring and insulation can be very costly, plus there are the added nuisances of noise, mess, and smell. I have a solution for the rats that are your nightmare! For more information on how I can help, use our contact us page or call me at
Rats will nest in utility boxes if they can get inside. They only need an opening the size of a quarter.