Professional Animal Control, Wildlife Trapping and Pest Bird Removal of North Chicago, Illinois - Serving Lake County
Nuisance wildlife removal is a PRIVATE SERVICE FOR HIRE available in North Chicago by Wildlife Solutions/ Services #769. Michael Glasby JR provides wildlife removal from private homes, business, and industrial properties.
We are professional wildlife removal operators offering animal control solutions based in North Chicago, Illinois. We pride ourselves on professional trapping services, and on quality snake, bird, and animal removal.
Wildlife Solutions/ Services #769 removes all sorts of wild animals, critters and birds from residential and commercial properties,
including bats, snakes, pigeons, skunks, raccoons, swallows, woodpeckers, voles, beavers, and rodents of every kind.
We also provide cleanup, sanitization, deodorization, and exclusion work to keep your wildlife problem from recurring,
be it a colony of bats in a building, raccoons in the attic, or destructive behaviors of critters such as squirrels, gophers and pigeons.
North Chicago, Illinois skunk precautions
In North Chicago, and the rest of Illinois, skunks are a common nuisance animal. While these animals are not aggressive, they are undesirable because of their spray and because they are known to carry a variety of diseases that can be transmitted to humans, like rabies. People contact me regularly wanting to know how to get rid of skunks.
I encourage people to do what they can to prevent problems before the animal takes up residence on their property. Keep the area clear of overgrown plants and clutter like rock or log piles. Don't leave out pet food or water dishes, particularly at night. Do not keep garbage cans outside if possible, or make them difficult to access. But, usually, by the time people call me the skunk has already sprayed and contaminated the residence.
Jane from the North Chicago area is a good example. She had a skunk living in the crawlspace of her home. A neighbor's dog pulled loose from its owner as it was being walked late one evening and caught up to the animal just as it was going under the house. The skunk sprayed. The smell permeated up through the floor and into her home. The next day she tried to seal off the place where the skunk was entering the crawl space, but the animal pushed and tore through the netting.
Jane needed help. We were able to put her in contact with a technician who solved her problem in less than a week. The skunk was trapped and taken away. The access was blocked to the crawl space and the home was deodorized with our special formula that really works.
If you have an unwanted guest in or around your home, give us a call. We can get rid of skunks and assist you in making sure they do not return.
We solve many types of wildlife control conflicts in
North Chicago and surrounding areas. Give us a call if you need expert animal removal and/or live wildlife trapping.
We can also perform an inspection of your property to evaluate the problem.
Many of the projects we solve involve raccoon families in attics and chimneys, mud swallow nests on stucco, woodpeckers drilling siding, voles and gophers destroying lawns, rats or squirrels thumping and bumping around inside walls and in attics, bat infestations, skunks stealing pet food and snakes living in crawlspaces and stone walls.
Along with physical damage and disease, wild animals also bring along disturbance and nuisance with all their noise and commotion and smell. Baby raccoons chirp and chitter like little birds; raccoons and rats will fight all night and keep people awake; skunk smell takes the cake, but have you ever smelled a dead animal in your ventilation system? We have seen much, much more than these problems, but that is a general idea of the kinds of problems that my professional wildlife removal operators and I are prepared to solve.
Not only do my technicians and I trap and remove problem wild animals, we do a lot of other dirty work, too. Don't hesitate to call us for dead animal removal, pigeon waste cleanup, bat guano removal, mouse droppings, decontamination, repairs, above ground and below ground rodent slick fencing, odor control for skunk spray, and the like. We are a full service pest control company with a wide range of animal control solutions.
I have been in the professional wildlife control business for many years. My favorite stories and experiences are removing bats from schools and churches.
For pigeon and bird control, bat removal, or relief from other pest animals, call our wildlife management experts. Many nuisance wildlife companies offer critter capture and control; our wildlife operators provide professional pest wild animal management. We remove the following AND MORE:
- Bats from attics, eaves and belfries
- Pigeons from rooftops
- Swallow nests from eaves, stucco, log siding, and exterior walls
- Voles that tear and dig up lawns and destroy root systems
- Moles and gophers that damage golf courses and gardens
- Mice from basements, attics, walls, crawlspaces, etc.
- Feral cats from parks and neighborhoods
- Raccoons from chimneys and attics
- Skunks that damage gardens and den in crawlspaces and under porches
- Woodpeckers that drill in stucco or cedar siding
- Rats and squirrels from attics, yards, flower gardens, commercial and industrial property
- Beavers from rivers, ponds and lakes
GIVE US A CALL: 847-394-9800
Need to contact a trapper outside of Illinois? Check out our nationwide referral directory of expert wildlife removal technicians to find the professional nearest you.
If you have a problem situation with a lost or stray cat, dog, or other domestic animal or pet including farm and ranch animals, contact The Lake County Animal Control Services for assistance. They work with domestic animals and can provide information about licensing, vaccinations, lost pets, etc. The county does not offer free wildlife animal control services, nor does North Chicago.
North Chicago Wild Animal Control News, Stories, Events and Alerts
Garden Center Rabbits near Chicago
My name is Ellen and I own a retail garden center in North Chicago. Last year we suddenly noticed a lot of damage to plants. Our flowers, shrubs and vegetables were being devoured by rabbits.
We started seeing the animals around. It was a population explosion. Some of the animals were definitely wild. Others appeared to be domesticated rabbits that had been turned loose after Easter or something, or maybe just wandered away from somebody's yard. Others were maybe crosses between the two.
Anyway, we started working to get rid of rabbits. Rabbit stew wasn't an answer, because we can't shoot a gun inside this town. There aren't really any predators in this area to eat the long-eared animals. We tried a variety of so-called repellents. Moth balls were out, because they are toxic and a child could put one in her mouth. Some repellents smelled gross to me and certainly didn't improve the atmosphere of the green house, and didn't work. The ultra-sonic devices had no noticeable effect. I don't even know how many different things we tried, but nothing seemed to help get rid of rabbits.
Meanwhile the animals kept eating and eating. There were pellets all around and, while they are good fertilizer, they don't look too nice to customers. We lost several thousand dollars of plants and spent hundreds on repellents that didn't work and still didn't have a solution.
We started to look for professional help. Yes, we are professionals, but professional gardeners, not professional rabbit removers. What we needed was someone who had the knowledge and equipment to get rid of the rabbits, or to at least get them to a manageable level.
We hired a Wildlife Control Operator who set about fixing our pest problem. Particularly vulnerable areas were physically protected. Rabbits were trapped and taken away. We made plans for deterring them in the future. This spring there is very little damage. These are probably some animals that have wandered in again in search of a free lunch. If things get out of hand I will call the Wildlife Control Operator again. He did a great job and was well worth the cost to protect our larger investment and business reputation.
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