Tag Archives: rabbit control

Rabbit Control

rabbit removal

We are in desperate need of rabbit control on our backwoods property, but it’s going to be a huge job.  We have a small cabin in the middle of the woods about a three-hour drive from our home.  It’s been our haven, our little getaway, to take us out of the hustle and bustle of our jobs and all the errands and work we have to do around our home.  Since it’s not too far, we can easily go there for the weekend, and just enjoy the solitude and quiet of the mountains.  We’ve also used it as a base when we go hunting, but as we’ve gotten older, we go there with all the intentions of hunting, and end up spending more hours with a fishing line in the nearby lake or just sitting on the porch with a half-forgotten book on our laps as we talk or sit silently listening to the birds.

Even when we’ve gone through some difficult financial times, we clung to our private backwoods property.  Of course, having a cabin in the woods means we have also had our share of dealing with wild animals, mostly raccoons or skunks.  And, we’ve taken care of those situations as they came up.  Lately, though, we have noticed a serious need for rabbit control in the area.  This year, the rabbit population pretty much exploded, and the woods are teeming with wild bunnies.  It was cute, at first, because we’d go to the cabin on the weekend and watch rabbits bounding happily through the undergrowth just beyond our porch.  Some would even venture up onto the wooden steps, noses twitching at our sandwiches.

Soon, though, we started planning in a couple of extra hours into our weekend trips.  It was necessary, because we had to do some rabbit control as soon as we arrived before we could start relaxing.  Inevitably, we’d have to chase some rabbits out of the cabin, sweep out rabbit droppings, and take extra precautions to rabbit-proof the area, including our truck.  It was starting to get annoying.

Then, we noticed the damage to the trees around the area.  Young juniper trees were stripped of their bark, all the way around the trunk.  That was opening the trees up to disease, which meant we could have more dead trees than usual surrounding our cabin.  Dead trees can fall on a roof, which means a lot of repair.  It was starting to get dangerous.

One weekend, we arrived, and found a spot of animal blood on the porch, some matted rabbit fur, and, a little distance off, some scat that looked like it might have been dropped by a bobcat.  We realized that our little spot of heaven, with all of its wild rabbits, was attracting some very unwanted animals.  It was starting to get really dangerous.

So, now we’re looking into hiring real trappers for some rabbit control in the area.  It’s the only thing we can think of to make sure we can continue relaxing at our weekend haven instead of worrying about stepping on rabbit droppings, falling trees, or hungry predators.

Rabbit Problems

Rabbit eating precious plants from your garden.
(Artwork by Sharon Davis. Contact us for her contact info.)

I’m new at gardening, and I’m working hard and learning a lot about it, but the one thing I’m learning for sure is that I have rabbit problems.  In this economy, and with the prices of vegetables going up, I decided to invest in my own backyard garden.  I spent the winter months carefully planning it out, researching, testing the soil and waiting for winter to end.  I got my little seed starters and had tomato and pepper sprouts within a couple of weeks.  I was like a little kid with cabin fever, desperately ready to run outside the moment it warmed up, and when it did, I spent all day in the backyard tilling up grass, raking in the mulch and preparing the yard.  It cost me more than I thought it would to start a brand new garden, but I’m hoping it pays off within a year or two.

As soon as it looked like there wouldn’t be any more frost, I was outside, excitedly planting my little seedlings in perfect little rows.  I dreamt of the day when I could harvest green beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers, cantaloupe, watermelon and spinach.  I was sure I’d save money, lose weight with all my gardening and eating vegetables, and I’d be a hit with my neighbors as I shared my crops with them.

As soon as I got home from work each day, I was out in the garden, pulling weeds, checking for plant growth and making sure the bean trellises were set up correctly.  When I saw little tomato buds on the plant, I was so excited!  The calluses on my hands were hardening, I was getting a great tan.  Some of the neighborhood kids even came over to help me, and ask me questions about plants.  I even let some of them have their own tiny little plots so they could plant anything they wanted.

And then, one Saturday I walked out into my yard to a horrific scene.  I had rabbit problems.  My beautiful herb plants were gnawed down to nothing but nubs.  There were perfect little clip marks on the tiny little tomato plants.  They’d left the squash alone, but devastated the peas.  I just stood there in shock, looking over the damage done to my first vegetable garden ever.  Finally, I decided it was too much and just went inside, called up a friend and went out for the day, just to get my mind off of it.

Of course, she told me I should have done this and I should have done that.  She told me that I should have expected it and planned for the attack, but none of that made me feel any better.  I finally decided the best way to take care of my rabbit problem is just to call in a professional.  Let someone else fight the rabbits while I protect and tend to my garden.  And of course, I have to explain to the kids why their plants won’t grow this year.

Rabbit Removal

rabbit removal  
          Here at Animal Caregivers and Lovers United, we try to get all sides of a story before taking any kind of action, which is why we have stepped in to interview both the homeowner and the rabbits before the homeowner proceeds with rabbit removal.  The following is a transcript of the interview:

Moderator:  Mr. Homeowner, can you explain exactly why you are so anxious for rabbit removal?

Homeowner:  See here, now it’s like this.  I work real hard each day, and then I come home and spend my nights and weekends trying to spruce up the place.  I like a pretty patio and a nice backyard.  Then, I come out one day and these darn rabbits have been eating up my plants!

Moderator:  Mr. Rabbit, do you have a reply?

Rabbit:  Mfff, hungry.  Juicy, green plants just sitting there.  Must eat.

Moderator:  You each seem to have reasonable points.  Mr. Homeowner, what is the extent of the destruction to your property, and what has been the cost to you?

Homeowner:  Hard to say exactly how much it’s cost me.  You gotta consider how much the ornamental plants cost.  Plus, they’ve ransacked my garden – eaten my vegetables up almost overnight.  We were using our garden for fresh food and then we were going to can some of it and keep it for the winter.  Now, we’ve got nuthin.  Plus, you gotta take in how much time I spent planting everything . . .

Rabbit:  Mmmm, spinach and carrots.  You did good job.  Still hungry . . .

Moderator:  Mr. Rabbit, do you have any way to compensate Mr. Homeowner for the damage you’ve done to his yard and garden?

Rabbit:  Compensate? 

Moderator:  Yes, pay him back.

Rabbit:  I’m a rabbit.

Moderator:  Uh, yes, I suppose it wasn’t a fair question . . .

Homeowner:  See here, I’m ready for some serious rabbit removal.  Rabbits live around 8 years, so if I don’t do something with you now, I’m in for a long time of losing MY plants.  Then, you’ll breed, and your babies’ll grow up and be around for a long time . . . I just can’t have it, see?

Moderator:  Mr. Rabbit, any reply?

Rabbit:  Must eat.  Must have babies.  Love to sleep in your yard junk pile or under the big bush.

Homeowner:  That’s it!  I’ll just get rid of the junk pile and the bush.  Then you’ll have to leave, right?  That’ll solve my rabbit removal problem??

Rabbit:  I am too cute to remove.  My babies cute too.  You want to keep me.

Homeowner:  That just ain’t good enough!  I want cute, I can git a puppy.  Any way I look at it, you’ve just gotta go!

Moderator:  I want to thank you both for your time and offering your opinions.  Let us …

Rabbit:  Lettuce???

Moderator:  Um, no, I meant “let us” all work towards a greater understanding.

Rabbit:  Lettuce???

Moderator:  I think we’re done here . . .