Bats Colonies
Bats are social creatures that live together in groups called colonies. Whether large or small, we can remove the bat colony living on your property.
Bat colonies may be quite small or extremely large. A small colony may have only 10-20 members, a medium colony 100-200 members, and a large one could easily number in the thousands.
A major factor that determines how large a bat colony grows is the amount of space available to them. In a small living space, a bat colony will likely never number in the hundreds or thousands. However, if there is a lot of room, such as in a school or a cave or underneath a bridge, the population will grow much bigger.
Bats follow a migratory path, and return each year to the same area where they were born to raise their own young. Because of this pattern, bat problems don’t go away but recur the next spring and the next and the next. Depending on available space, birth rates and food supplies, the population may double or even triple every year.
These amazing creatures can migrate thousands of miles. They move with the climates and seasons, seeking out warmth, food, and moisture. Bat colonies are in their explosive state in the warm months of summer; this is when they have their babies. If you have a bat colony in your attic, then summer is the most likely time for you to hear babies inside your walls, squeaking and scratching around.
Wherever you find them, bat colonies will be located up high. They need height because they release their foothold and freefall before they begin to fly. This is why they occupy attics, belfries, and gymnasiums.
If you discover a bat colony in your home or other property, we can develop a plan to get them out and systematically eliminate their access to the building. We also clean up the droppings, sanitize and deodorize.